Hot Stove Football

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Do you spend a lot of time speculating on who our next head coach will or should be on this blog?
Of course we do.
It's called, "being a fan" and having some fun in a "hot stove league" of sorts as we wait out an offseason that is somewhere between 300 days and the gestation period of an elephant.
Is such speculation helpful to the search process?
Who knows? And frankly, I don't think it matters. It's almost like asking if booing the other team or the refs during a game helps the Lion cause.
We're fans and this is what fans do.
On my end, I'll repsonsibly report anything that's true out there about the search. There's not much right now and that's a testament to the professionalism of everyone involved in this process right now.
Until then, the fans will continue to discuss potential candidates... because we're fans.

Did We Fumble on Kelly?
Speaking of speculating...
My sources tell me that current Oregon Head Coach Chip Kelly was indeed a candidate for the Columbia job the last time it was available in late 2005.
In all fairness, it's not like Kelly was such an obvious catch back then as this article detailing Kelly's amazing and quick rise documents.
But it's a good case study to prove that Columbia DOES and IS getting top notch applicants for this job.
It's also encouraging that Ray Tellier, who was not as intimately involved in the coaching search last time, is now such an integral part of the process.
I know I have reported on Tellier's ties to possible candidates like Hopkins Head Coach Jim Margraff, but he is not the only successful coach out there with a positive connection to Tellier.
Considering Tellier's active role in landing a super coach like Brett Boretti for Columbia baseball, there's good reason to be more optimistic about the football coaching seatch this time around.
That said, anything the fans can do to keep the decision-makers honest is useful.
... and I'm sure you will all continue to do so. ;)
Recruiting News
News about incoming freshmen commits has been more scarce this year than it has been at any time since I started this blog.
But some of the recruiting web sites do have a few names of players who has been offered spots on the team... at least according to them.
Here are some names:
Jonathan Ford
Elijah St. Hilaire
Jordan Bronowitz
Brandtly Wilson
Tanner Thexton
Luke Longinotti
Lavondre Nelson
John Buchanan
Braden Meador
Dalton Stogner
Max Keefe