Pete Mangurian in his days with the Patriots
Pete Mangurian has accepted an offer to be the new head football coach at Columbia University.
The deal was announced just after midnight.
A news conference has been announced for tomorrow, (Friday), at Faculty House to formally introduce Mangurian.
I am hoping that event will be streamed online.
Mangurian now joins that rare fraternity of Ivy coaches who have been the head coach of more than one Ivy team.
The last time Columbia got a head coach with previous Ivy head coaching experience it was the great Percy Haughton from Harvard in the 1920s.
The last two Ivy coaches who took new head jobs with new Ivy teams were Bob Blackman and Frank Navarro. Blackman improved Cornell but was never able to get them anywhere near the level of his great Dartmouth teams.
Navarro had some success at Columbia, especially in 1971. But his Princeton teams later in his career were forgettable.
In case anyone is wondering, I plan to let everyone here who wants to vent on this choice do so for the next 24 hours or so.
After that, I agree with those who say it's time for all of us to get behind Coach Mangurian. Whatever failings the search committee had, they were not Mangurian's fault.
When I first broke the news that he was a serious candidate for the job, I emphasized Mangurian's successful tenure at Cornell.
Make no mistake, he is a good coach.
Now, he'll need our help getting him back up to speed on college, and specifically Ivy ball.
And we also need to make sure he gets all the help he needs to promote NYC. Everyone in the news media here should be aware that he spent some successful years as an assistant with the NY Giants. As of now, the news radio sports reports are not yet even reporting the news of the hire.
I want to hear Mangurian on WFAN and ESPN Radio, and see him on NY1, SNY, etc. and lots of other local outlets early and often. We can help make that happen.
Final point: Columbia had better teams than Mangurian did all three years we faced him and Cornell. He won two of those games anyway. Let's hope he squeezes more out of our guys too. I know he has done it before.
please carefully moderate the blog now. Too many posters only add venom currently.
Look at that... A National search... over 100 candidates... 3 out of 4 finalists with a thread to Cornell when Diane was there... and we end up with this??? Does anybody see anything wrong with that? Do you realize how statistically implausible this is? Remember, it was a National Search!!! Way to reach far outside of your comfort zone Diane.
To the Search Committee and Coach Tellier, thank you! You equally lived up to your disappointing billing! To the Football Committee, AKA "Hot Dog Committee" - The good news for you guys is that you will need to order less hot dogs this year for the golf outing because more than a few alums will abandon the program (myself included). If you guys had any dignity or self respect you would resign in protest, otherwise, you will tote the company line and hope Bill Campbell notices you at the next 19th hole. Guess what? He won't! Nice picks on all fronts Bill! You've done your Alma Marta proud! Just think, now you've made three consecutive bad choices for Head Football Coach (and four bad choices by keeping Diane on board for so long). I'm selling my Apple stock with you still on the Board.
Back to our esteemed new coach... Please keep in mind that the last time this guy had ANY contact with High School players and coaches was in 2000. Seriously, that is over 10 years ago! Did this ever come up in the interview? I'm sorry, but that is a huge red flag! Now we have to re-train this guy on recruiting and communicating to teenagers. That's a lot different than the NFL and adults. Have we learned nothing from the Surace experiment at Princeton? I guess not.
To the Committees, Bill, Diane, Ray, and the Athletic Administration, do you know why we continue to lose? Because of your colossal incompetence! We are the laughing stock of the Ivy league because your team continues to make such poor mistakes! I wouldn't let any of you be responsible for walking my dog, if I had one. No, better yet, I wouldn't let any of you be responsible for walking my virtual dog! Regretfully, the hydrant in this scenario are the alums!
Thanks for another 6 years of disappointments and mediocrity!
You hired someone who has been a head coach. Someone who has been a head coach in the Ivy League. Someone who has been a successful head coach in the Ivy League. Someone who has coached at the game's highest level. Maybe, just maybe, you don't get someone that qualified without a connection. He's a huge step up from you last couple of coaches. The time has come to stop whining and get behind the man.
We now get someone who was so sought after that he was unemployed...
Someone who has to start all over and make connections to high school coaches...
Someone who coached in the Ivies OVER 10 years ago...
We're not getting experience, we're getting convenience.
We're not whining, we're upset that Tom Gilmore (a current Head Coach, with great national HS connections, former Ivy Coach and Player of the Year), was not even granted an interview. That just means that we were not playing on a level playing field.
OK We are done searching and the future is set for the short term. ITS TIME TO SUPPORT THE TEAM!
I am a parent of a current player. My son turned down an opportunity of a free education and playing football at a top 25 FBS state university to attend Columbia. Norries Wilson had little to do with his decision to attend Columbia over 2 other Ivies and some Patriots. Columbia had the most to do with it. His experience and interactions with his teamates during his official visit had alot to do with it. His recruiting coach and position coach had a big impact.
The most important thing Mangurian needed to do is secure a great package so his assistants can be paid at the very top of the Ivy ladder so that he can secure a stud recruiting coordinator, who has been connected with high schools, along with great OC/DC and position coaches. All head coaches need to do in recruiting is seal the deal with charisma, class and confidence and WIN FOOTBALL GAMES!!!
I appreciate the frustration of former players and alumns, BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO VENT IT!!! YOU ARE HURTING THE TEAM!! YOU ARE HURTING RECRUITMENT!!!
To 2:50:00 and others who share his/her vitriol, the damage you are causing far outweighs your monetary contribution. Keep your freaking money!!! I will do my best to make up the difference!!
Go LIONS!!!!!!!!!!
To 2:50 a.m.: it is gutless to write what you wrote and not sign your name. I don't know enough to know how Mangurian compares with other possible hires--I don't know for sure who was available, I don't know who interviewed how, I don't know who promised to to what with hiring assistants etc. I'm therefor willing to give the folks who did the hiring the benefit of the doubt. I thought Norries had to go despite his personal decency and class; that happened. I thought we needed to hire a replacement ASAP; that happened. At this point I'm standing behind the choice, am happy to renew my contribution etc. The parent of the current player at 3:39 is clearly right.
-Dr. V
My first choice was Gilmore, but Pete Mangurian is a great coach and this Columbia Alum is 1000% behind him.
I'm showing my age, but Pete Mangurian reminds me of Buff Donelli and that's not bad at all. Buff brought a championship to Columbia and Pete will do the same.
Thanks Jake
Now watch Murphy go to PSU and Gilmore wind up beating our asses at Harvard for the next twenty years.
To say we are small time would be an insult to the small timers of the world
My son, a current player never reads this blog, and thank God for that. This team has come from a "DOWNER" season. They have been so pumped lately knowing a new coach is coming in to turn things around. If he and his team mates read 2:50's post, imagine how they would feel????Give these kids a break!!! They wish the season were starting today! They are thrilled to be starting fresh with a new coach. Give THEM the opportunity to like or dislike him.Let them come to a conclusion of how good he and his staff are. Don't turn them OFF before they even meet him.It will only hurt them if you stop contributing,really, how much will it hurt Dianne,Ray or Bill? I don't know how great of a coach he will be either,I do know that we got what we needed,we knew we could not go through another season like this past one.So please let this play out, encourage this team, be excited for them,and give our new coach a chance to show how good he can be,
2:50 AM needs to calm down. Mangurian is a great choice for a thousand reasons. An obvious one is that he has better overall football coaching experience than any coach in the Ivy League. Come on, you say that he's going to have trouble recruiting. Are you kidding? What parent would choose Tom Williams over him? Tom Williams and Yale are the laughingstock of the Ivy League, not Columbia. Go down the line, there isn't a coach in the Ivy League whose football experience compares to Pete. Williams,even if he survives the resume fraud charge at Yale, is still a loser. (Teevens and Surace can't compare to Mangurian. Austin is a good coach, but apparently already wants out from Cornell. Bagnoli, Estes and Murphy are good coaches, but none of them have the professional coaching background that will attract the top recruits. P.S. I am a Columbia alum and do no work for Dr. Murphy
to 5:01 Murphy to Penn State--are you joking. Murphy has plenty of baggage and is not leaving Harvard for Penn State. Do you think Penn State is going to hire a football coach whose team captain was suspended two years ago for assaulting his girl friend? Gloria Allred would love that.
The Tribe has spoken, we have a new head coach, and now it's time to get back to what this blog is all about ---100% positive support of our football team.
1. Jake - in your opinion was Mangurian the best candidate that we could feasibly sign? Sounds like everyone wanted Gilmore, what were the reasons against him? How is Mangurians network with potential assistant coaches? That is a HUGE factor in all of this, as we saw with Norries.
2. To the parents of current players: much of the "vitriol" that you see on this board comes from a passion for this program that began before your children were born. Understand that many of us were in your childrens place years ago and know better than you what playing CU football is like. Of course we will support your sons next fall like we always have.
3. My two-cents: Would have loved a spectacular hire, far beyond any reasonable expectations. Not an expert on coaching, so I'll trust Jake's verdict on Mangurian which seems tentatively positive at this point. And that is coming from someone with extremely high expectations for this hire and deep knowledge of the situation.
Sonmeone suggested that Pete Mangurian might have trouble recruiting because he has not spoken to high school coaches and players for 10 years. However, during those ten years, Mangurian was an assistant coach for the Atlanta Falcons, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the New England Patriots. Mangurian actually has more professional football coaching experience and contacts than all of the Ivy League Football Coaches put together. Hey, maybe five times over. With that much NFL experience, I would expect any high school coach and five star prospect to be impressed. In my book, and thinking big, I am very impressed with our new hire. The Columbia players and their parents must be very excited. This guy is not an untested college assistant coach or a Division III head coach from a tiny college. Mangurian has been coaching in the NFL for the last ten years and has done it all--offensive coordinator, offensive line coach, tight ends coach, etc. He's worked for the best in the football business including Bob Kraft and Reeves. And he even has head coaching exsperience in the Ivy League. Just ridiculous to criticize his selection. He's a great choice.
Yes, I originally wanted Gilmore, but upon reflection, Mangurian is a much better choice. Obviously, Mangurian wants to be here and Gilmore did not. Also, Mangurian has extensive professional football coaching experience and contacts. Gilmore was an outstanding assistant coach in the Ivy League and has been a very good coach at Holy Cross. However, Mangurian has an even better coaching portfolio than Gilmore and at a much higher level. Also, I suspect that Mangurian's hiring may be an indication that the Columbia Administration is finally thinking really big when it comes to football, and I find that possibility to be very exciting. How do you say "no" to anything this guy wants? I don't think you can.
Dr. V - Unless I am missing something, you are arguably annonomus as well. What if 2:50 signed it "Dr. R", would that make you happy? Don't be a "gutless" hypocryte, sign your own (full) name...
Thanks Jake for letting poeple vent. I assume that much of this anger is directed at the process. We've seen this before and an argument can be made that blindly supporting the new hire can be detrimental to the program (Shoop, Wilson). It does seem fishy about the three Cornell finalists, but he is qualified. Let's hope for the best...
Dear Parent:
I am sure your son and the team have minds of their own and they know enough to not let anonymous blog posters derail their pursuits and opinions.
My frustration is that we have never gone out and lured our chosen one away from another program. Instead, we do a "search" and hire "the best qualified applicant".
The top programs identify their target and find a way to get him, we don't.
Even Garrett, with all of his football experience and credentials, came off the discount rack because he could coach his sons and because he needed someone to give him a chance to coach again.
I would have felt better about the Mangurian hire if at least two things were different:
1. I didn't know for a fact Gilmore really wanted to come here
2. Mangurian was currently employed
I hope he does well and wins championships but Dianne and company already put him and the program at a disadvantage because they have a very frustrated and angry alumni base to contend with and he has absolutely zero recruit pipeline right now since he has been in the NFL for all these years.
Dianne has really stuck her neck out this time. It just seems like more of the same for CU and it really is sad.
The guy was unemployed and knows Murphy from Cornell
Do we always buy off the discount rack?
Probably as good a hire as we could have made given the resources available. It really can't get any worse for CU football can it.
On paper, the best hire in a long time, but it will be a miracle for him to not be the captain of the same sinking ship. The problem is not the coach. It is the administration's lack of willingness to devote the financial resources needed to be successful. Don't see anything but teh same lip service coming from Murphy, Bollinger, etc.
I played football at Columbia and I can tell you that it was deflating to travel to other programs and see the facilities and resources they had compared to ours. It was like taking a knife to a gun fight. Not only does it hurt in development once on campus, the disparity kills us in recruiting. We don't get the best players becuase we suck and our facilities are a joke. Losing woudl be tolerable if you got some perks and appreciation from yoru school rather than a hard tiem about everything. CU does not offer that.
It was "Storage Wars"... Who was available in the locker not doing anything... and at a discounted price.
Congrats to Pete Mangurian. Take this golden opportunity and turn Columbia football into something special.
I am part of the 99% of Columbia supporters who are happy with your selection and wish you great success.
Go Lions.
I don't have any inside knowledge of the search process or any idea of who the "best" candidate was or will be. However, I do have knowledge about the strengths and weaknesses of the current team. The former staff did a great job of hustling and selling some very talented but overlooked players that needed to be coached up on technique. Unfortunately, they couldn't accomplish the latter. We need this new head coach and his staff to be excellent teachers. They're smart kids so teach them!
If this coaching staff comes in and believes that perfectIng yourself in practice makes perfect instead of practicing as many reps in a period as possible makes perfect then I think that the new coach has a good chance to succeed.
Mangurian may or may not turn out to be a decent choice. Only time will tell. However, the lack of creativity in the short list proves that Dianne Murphy is in over her head and merely relying on people she already knows well. She is not sufficiently professional or learned to retain her position. Let's all unite around Mangurian but simultaneously call for Dianne Murphy to be replaced.
It is all about the staff. Will we give him teh money to build a good one or will it be a bunch of has beens or never will bes that need a job?
I wish Diane woudl have the balls to say, " we hired teh best guy we coudl get for teh chicken poop we are allowed to pay."
I'll tell you all exactly why Gillmore was not hired- we were not willing to pay him what he would command.
If this is our new guy, fine let's get to work. His resume shows success at each job he has taken. As a parent of one player and one prospective recruit, I have two questions:
1. How does he work? Is he hadns on , down in the trenchs with the players? is he a task master? Is he on the players back? Is he a tower? Aloof,relies on his assistants, little contact with the players? Does anybody really know how this guy operates a program?
2. Is there a financial commitment from the school to support and upgrade the football program? Without this key element, as was stated earlier on the board, success beyond 5-5 is not possible. If the parka-gate incident did not expose the lack of support this administration has for football, I don't know what will. I hope Coach mangurian was able to extract a solid, bona fide financial commitment for program upgrades, player support and media push, before he agreed to the job.
Looking forward to the answers and a fresh outlook.
Jake, We are all waiting anxiously for your opinion. C'mon tell us what you think!
This is a great hire. And if our facilities were once sub par, come this Fall they will be at the top of the league. and in any event, take a look at what Brown has done with facilities which are far worse than ours, no money, and a backwater venue. Get on board and get behind Mangurian!
Leonidas is correct. At least 99% of Columbia football fans are thrilled with the selection of Pete Mangurian as our new Head Football Coach. Sure there were a number of fans like myself, who originally wanted Gilmore, but once I heard that he signed a new three-year contract with Holy Cross in January, 2011, I gave up on him. Anyway, Mangurian actually has a much superior football coaching resume to Gilmore and for that matter every other head coach in the Ivy League. I'm man enough to admit that I made a mistake, and that Pete Mangurian is a fabulous choice. Thank you, Jake, for giving us this great forum for Columbia Football Fans. Welcome to Pete Mangurian and his family.
I don't understand the vitriol. An accomplished Ivy HC and NFL assistant is a bad thing? Our talent is good enough to compete -- not good enough to win the league, but good enough to compete. Our problem under NW was game management. Now we get a proven HC and we're whining? Dianne's record of hiring is better than she gets credit for: K. Smith and Boretti are both excellent. I do agree that the wildcard here is the budget for assistants. I'll be curious who he's able to hire over the next month or two.
This is an upgrade folks.
I am now in the camp that says we have to support our administration's choice - and welcome Coach Mangurian.
I remember when the Yankees hired Joe Torre, and I thought - this guy seems like a retread. Well, we know how well he worked out. We have to assume that Ms. Murphy knows what she is doing - they have made some good choices in coaches for other sports.
As for our facilities, and the supposed lack of them - as they say "It is what it is." I like the comparison to Brown - they seem to do more with less. As Shoop said Harvard's home stadium has a field the same size as ours. Anyway, we have the largest Div. I football stadium in Manhattan, and in New York. I wish the Jets had persevered and built the stadium in the "Hudson Yards" - we could have played there - but they did not.
Let's hope the new coaches can surmount this obstacle.
A. Peck
I wasn't even born when The Streak started, and I'm a loyal and diehard Lions fan and will be until the day I die of old age or get hit by a bus. Pete is the man we have and the coach we have. I don't care what went into the decision or how the process was conducted. All I know and care about is that we've put our trust in him to turn this program around. And if he is to be successful in doing so, he needs support, not unsolicited advice and bashing from armchair NFL commissioners.
If you want to win, get behind this man, now. You've got no choice.
Before making this post I went out and did some extensive research on the coach candidates mentioned on the blog the last couple of days. Pete Mangurian by far seems to me to be best candidate. I am actually amazed he even considered coming to Columbia. There are several major D1 teams looking that I think would have jumped at the opportunity to get him. His past college experience and even more importantly his NFL experience I think is a huge plus to the team.
As far as the comments on recruiting are concerned I must remind people that the majority of the recruiting is done by the assistants. The head coach for the most part is the closer. You can start complaining when he announces his staff.
I am really excited for the team and as parent of a player that ended his career with Columbia I offer the new coach and his staff my full support.
Karl Groth
The Chairman of the Columbia University Board of Trustees, Bill Campbell, cares more about the Columbia Football Program than anyone can possibly imagine. "Commitment" to Columbia Football is a non-issue with Bill at the helm.
When Pete calls, any professional or college football person, will listen. Columbia hasn't had that type of credibiility since Buff Donnelli, and even Buff wasn't as well known. Great Hire!
After reading several articles, reports, etc., about Pete Mangurian, I feel he is an excellent choice, especially since he is noted for crafting strong offensive lines. Even though he was let go by Tampa Bay, apparently over philosophical differences with the OC, his work with the Bucs' 2010 banged-up O-line has been described as "remarkable," and the Buc's top lineman, Jeff Faine, said he is a "very good coach." He is also described as "disciplined and demanding."
Let's go Pete!
As far as the press thing is concerned this has already made nation agencies. Fox News and ESPN amoung others.
people are delusional.
Brown may not have facilities - but it has an open pass/fail curriculum.
Which is more appealing to a 17 year old football player: mandatory LitHum or "take what you want"?
And for the person who asked if the financial commitment is improved, just ask the Gilmorians... it's on the alums and donors to make sure that commitment is there, not the "university." The University HAS no money to spend, but what it gets from donors. Tuiton doesn't even cover operating costs of education.
After reading several articles, reports, etc., about Pete Mangurian, I feel he is an excellent choice, especially since he is noted for crafting strong offensive lines. Even though he was let go by Tampa Bay, apparently over philosophical differences with the OC, his work with the Bucs' 2010 banged-up O-line has been described as "remarkable," and the Buc's top lineman, Jeff Faine, said he is a "very good coach." He is also described as "disciplined and demanding."
Let's go Pete!
Worry about your own problems at Columbia and leave Surace and Princeton alone! You obviously don't know the man or how he relates to his players, which is excellently, by the way. You speak of NFL guys not knowing how to relate to H.S. players, but Princeton miraculously recruited the Ivy League rookie of the year and several other top notch freshmen, who helped beat Columbia this year incidentally. I'm not bragging about our only victory, just pointing out the obvious disconnect in your logic, and trying to point your focus away from Bob Surace, get off his back, he inherited a mess in Princeton and will turn it around. You folks need to support your new coach, and help him turn your program around as well. Good luck Lions.
My son will know by the end of the day that he has been accepted ED at Columbia and will attend and play sports next fall. I read the NYT article early this morning, saw the reference to this blog, and am visiting for the first time.
The first football game I attend was approximately 50 years ago up at Baker Field. I look forward to becoming more involved in Columbia Sports as a parent of a student. It would be hard to ignore the trials and tribulations of the Columbia football team in the past 25 years, but fer crissakes, why bury the new guy before he's even been introduced?
I don't understand the criticism put forth here by several posters that because he was unemployed that Mangurian was somehow tainted. Good Lord, in this day and age, how is that pertinent?? The guy has an Ivy League coaching pedigree, an impressive resume, and obviously wants to be at Columbia.
Great.... Let us get back to work!
I am excited for the team as they transition into thios new phase. This team will grow just by the fact that they had to go through this mess. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and the Columbia Lions aren't dead so I say don't look back but press on to the the goal....
Go Lions!
~A Concerned Parent of Football Player
Is the Kool Aide Grape, Cherry, or Columbia Blue Passion. Lots of you getting drunk on this guy. Okay, I get it that we have to deal with him now, but the process by which we were handed this coach is FLAWED. He may, or may not, have been better selection than Gilmore. The problem is that we'll never know what Tom would have said.
By the way, who cares if a professional player or coach would take a call from this guy? We need him to deal with parents, coaches, and teens now. Wake up, that's a BIG difference. Please don't make stupid points like that. Furthermore, to your point that "assistants" do all of the recruiting. If that's the case, we have the wrong guy. We want/need a head coach to embrace these recruits, like Harvard and Penn do.
I agree that this is NO FAULT of the current coach, so we can give him the benefit of the doubt and move on. It is just a disheartening process.
Toe-joe, welcome and I hope that your son is admitted today
Jake it is stupid to incorporate any venting about Columbia's Hire. You should be promoting him not ripping him apart. The majority of people on this blog can't even describe what a middle zone play is on offense let alone assess the talent of a football coach. Diane may not know a whole lot about football, but she does have good people around her that positioned her to make a good decision on a football coach regardless of who she selected.
And for all the people that insist Tom Gilmore was the guy, You have never met the man. I have never met the man. All I know is that if the people on this blog have a problem with Marino, Tom Gilimore would have been a rude awakening.
As a parent of a player I completely take offense to the comment by the 7:47 poster that "our talent is good enough to compete, not good enough to win the league but good enough to compete". My comment to that is remember the last game against Brown there was this senior named Evan Miller who seldom saw much playing time all year...He wrote a very inspiratioanl letter to his teammates before the last game about never giving up. He got 19 tackles that game and was a major part of that win. Who are you to say they can't win the league? Our coaches sure weren't able to discover the underlining talent. How do you know what they can do? Bottom line..the kids can start thinking about a winning team again. Don't discourgae any dream. If your in support of this new coach then show it all the way through. Don't dismiss anything. New coach, (we pray to God) new assistants and a new attitude. Hope has returned to these boys. Welcome Coach Mangurian
the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Hey, I was Gilmore's biggest booster, but let's move on, Mangurian is a great selection for Columbia Football, and trumps my guy in many ways. I do not want to read any more negative crap about the selection committe, Dianne and her Cornell connection, or whatever. Time to welcome and support our great new Commander-in-Chief and help him to win the recruiting wars that are going on right now and are vital to the success of the Columbia Football Program. Anyone who posts anything negative on the blog from this point on is putting his or her own personal interests ahead of that of the Columbia Football Family.
Solid choice for the Lions. Welcome Coach Mangurian! Now let's get to work on the recruiting front.
For those who complain about the process in picking a new football coach, all I can say is take a look at what's happening with other "major" programs throughout the nation. For instance, the Arizona State University president (former Columbian Michael Crow), and AD Lisa Love are being torched by the media and ASU alumni for the way they are handling the hiring of a new coach. Yesterday, they apparently made an offer to June Jones and then Crow comes in at the last minute and pulls it due to alumni pressure. What a joke...who's going to want that job now? We're fortunate that the Columbia coaching selection process was far superior in comparison. Mangurian looks to have the credentials; let's give him our support to succeed!
Toe-joe, your language is a bit offensive,cool it
Toe-joe, the one negative guy on this forum is now going after you--please ignote him.
Wow. Has it gone that bad that we are using Brown as a measuring stick?
I wish somebody would ask Diane what the staff budget is and if it is an increase from teh previous staff.
9:15, I saw nothing at all "offensive" in Toe-Joe's language. What are you talking about?
Is it possible that you're offended
because he said "crissake" and "good lord"?
Then I'm offended that he didn;t capitalize them. I'm Christian but I've said "Holy Moses" (always capitalized) and as a New Yorker I love Yiddish expressions.
The guy was venting, not praying.
Get a grip. Show a little Columbia cosmopolitanism.
Please stop with the pettiness. Mangurian's unemployment is of no concern. Every coach in the NFL has been unemployed at some time during his career. It's the nature of the profession.
Also, Mangurian has been dealing with football athletes his entire career. There's no reason to think he has forgotten how to communicate during the recruiting process or motivate players at the college level.
While some say the process was flawed because Murphy picked a person she knew from Cornell, I believe that may be a positive considering Mangurian's credentials. I expect they have discussed some of the things in place during his successful tenure at Cornell. In comparing notes, I'd expect him to have ideas about changes he'd like to see here.
There are many parts to a successful program. It appears today that CU has the first part in place. Let's move forward in support of the coach and the program.
When sitting in the stands at Baker Field, have you ever lifted your eyes from the shenanigans going on down on the field to watch the sea gulls swoop slowly over the stands? Some appear almost motionless, floating on the thermals rising from the sparse crowd. And just when you think this gull ballet couldn't be more exquisite, one of them craps. Do you think that gull cares who the new coach is? Nah, he just craps. Long after we're all gone, the gulls of Baker Field will be crapping on the poor bastards below. Thanks to Hum and CC, I can appreciate stuff like this.
Thanks Jake for keeping us posted the last couple of months on what has happened in the world of Columbia football. We appreciate being able to vent and get out all the frustration we've felt this season. (some of us for many years).
Good Luck to Coach Mangurian and his staff. You are coaching a dedicated and football loving group of kids. My support and good wishes to the team and the new staff. BEST OF LUCK LIONS.
Well, I think we settled one thing: Jake's info is good and Cathar and any other doubters owe him an apology.
He reported that Mangurian was a lead candidate a WEEK ago. Today, he reported the hiring several hours before anyone else, including the university's own web site.
He reported that the offer to the lead candidate had been made back on Tuesday, which fits a reasonable timeline.
If anyone wants to know why the traffic to this site is rising exponentially, the reason is because the information is very, very good.
We have a new coach, so let's let him have the opportunity to produce results by getting behind him. The head coach has to rely very heavily on the coaching staff. Let's hope he hires a very good staff, especially the OC and DC. How many people have been hired because they knew someone from a previous job in the corporate world? The search is what it was. Columbia's administration knows what needs to be produced.
Gilmore hates losing as much as Jim Garrett. But he possesses more self-control than Garrett.
Congratulations Coach Mangurian! Welcome to Columbia! We look to you to set a positive environment, a great scheme development, inspired recruiting, and outstanding situational football!
Congratulations to AD Murphy and the football committee. Coach Mangurian hits all the prerequisite check marks and more. Congrats on coming in a week early to commence recruiting this weekend! Congrats on finding an experienced head coach, an experienced Ivy league head coach, a winning coach, and someone with professional big picture experience.
As a parent, I couldn't ask for a better football "educator" for my son. I recognize that Mangurian coached Tom Brady and with Bill Belechick. Great job. He seems too far surpass any above average Patriot League guy.
This hire far out shines the other candidates.
Now let's see what kind of staff and funding arrives to really move the program forward. Great job! I'm impressed!
jake, i think the post from the columbia player should be Dec 07 8:28am
I am the parent of a current football player. Our son called us at 1:15 this morning to tell us Mangurian was the new coach. He was excited. The team is excited. That is what’s important.
I do not disagree with your post, but to clarify, Mangurian did not coach Tom Brady. He coached Tight Ends fro New England and had little if anything to do with Brady.
It does seem as if some posters only want to get behind new coach Mangurian just to push.
But I wish him well.
What it would still be interesting to know, however, is who among the other candidates mentioned on this site the last several weeks actually APPLIED for the job of head coach. (Did Mangurian even do so, Jake? Or did Dianne Murphy contact him?)
Granted, the coach hiring process is probably a flawed one at both the best and worst of times. But just as it brought us Joe Jones to basketball, so too did it bring us the much better Kyle Smith.
So put me down as a supporter of Mangurian's hire. Even as I still do wonder how long we're thus supposed to give him to develop a winning program. 2 years? 3? 4? (How long, o Lord?) This one is a real issue.
And I do thus hope that many of the "boo birds" gathered here in such strength of late will at least pledge their willingness to help Mangurian in way feasible over the next few months in terms of recruiting. It's sure going to be an interesting 2012 season. Not least given the "retained" players Mangurian now takes under his wing.
Okay lets go ahead and clear up all of this confusion for those of you who OBVIOUSLY haven't done your research on this guy, first of all this coach has already had Ivy league experience and when he was at Cornell he had a record that has yet to be matched by any Cornell football coach since his departure. What makes you think he can't do this again at CU?? This man has not only college experience, but also has pro experience. He knows football. I hope the team is excited, this man can work players, doesn't pick favors and sets high expectations for all his players. This team has been put in the hands of a man who always works his butt off to get the job done... not enough?? LOOK AT HIS RECORD WITH TAMPA!! He turned their offensive line around and made it one of the best in their conference. Also for those of you who are worried about his ability to recruit.. well, lets just say thats the last thing that you should be worrying about with this guy. Best of luck to Coach Mangurian!! Everyone needs to get behind this guy, I see good things happening for the future of this program!
This team is poised to win next year. Brackett and Martin are going to have huge senior years. I hope Fraser takes a fifth year.
To the parent who was offended by my post: sorry! I'm a 30-year Lions fan who loves the team but I've got to call this one like I see it. The '11 team could've won a few games with better coaching, but if you attended games you know the team had flaws beyond coaching. I won't belabor that fact. The '09 team maybe had the talent to win the league with great coaching. This team had tremendous character, but not commensurate talent. Still, we've made a good hire -- the guy worked for Belichek for four years and Kraft must know him well. I'm surprised people aren't more focused on that. We just got a guy with a terrific pedigree. I'm encouraged and looking forward to seeing improvement next year.
Wow you might break the century mark in comments Jake.
Gotta love the seagull posting - i notice those birds sometimes.
J. Audubon
Nice mention in the NY Times, Jake -- we all know that article wouldn't have happened if not for the influence of this blog and the discussions it has spurred.
And good luck to the new coach. May you go 9-1 every year.***
(*** - sorry, but you'll never convert me completely. Princeton always wins vs Columbia)
just to clarify things, lots of posts in here talking about how the naysayers dont know the guy and then the person blogging goes on to say how good the guy is, etc.
crony capitalism at its finest. Many of you pooh pooh Raheem, well guess what Raheem coached at Cornell. then the guy follows Dan Reeves for years, his Atlanta offense when he was O coordinator was ranked 20th out of 32 teams and he had VIck, TJ Ducket, Warrick Dunn...come on.
oh by the way he was a coach at SMU, when they were on probation and prior to the death penalty. Also, Hofher had a better record at Cornell, so start doing some research before babbling like bags of wind. (all publci record) Also, trust me when i say the Princeton coach is not safe if he puts up another year like he did.
One would think, given how much experience the powers that be have had with selecting new coaches for football, that this would have been handled differently, but instead it has created division, but these same powers exepct that in the end, like sheep, everybody will sing kumbaya, and show up at the games and support the school.
i used to play for CU and i also noticed the birds and would always wondered how much crapping they did, likely not as much crap as this whole charade is.
and yes, to you, the grammatical genius who spelled words incorrectly before and harped on the blogs spelling and grammar, all my mistakes in the last blog are for you.
have a nice day
For the sake of the players, the school, and the new coach, can we please declare a moratorium on some of the vitriol? If not, then I would implore Jake to edit this blog to eliminate some of the negativity. I think this is a great day for Columbia football, and it just isn't fair to the players who put so much into the program to have to read so many negative comments.
frankly, if this is as bad as it gets than that is pretty easy for a Columbia Football player. the hard part is living with the losses the rest of your life.
.... the best analogy for what has happened over the last month is that it is similar to woman giving birth .... as the moment draws close there is a lot of crackiness and anticipation .... when will the uncomfortable feeling and the periodic runs to the bathroom stop .... will it be a boy or girl ..... what will we name him or her ....will it be healthy?
Now the baby is delivered, we're still not sure whether he looks like mom or dad .... the in-laws are still bickering over whether he will be raised Catholic or Jewish .... would mom been better off if mom had not not married dad, but had married her first boyfriend ....
well ... it's done ... he's here and he has to have some time to grow big and strong .... we need to help him get all the support he needs .... he's part of our family now ...
GO LIONS !!! ... I can't wait for the season to start !!!
Hong Kong supports new Head Coach Mangurian. All the whiners can piss off (was that offensive?).
And let's give kudos to Coach Smith in BB. After losing all ivy Agho, his team rattles off six wins in a row. That's what good coaching does.
Chen 82
Where have you been? Missed you in the Far East...
All posters to this blog have the same desire - to see the Columbia football program flourish and for the team to become competitive quickly. Therefore, it is particularly chilling that certain contributors have suggested those with misgivings about the selection process or the selection itself should have their comments edited or censored.
Only a few weeks ago the Athletic Dept attempted to ban the Columbia Band from the final game because it had dared to be critical of the team's performance.
That decision was reversed quite quickly because the notions of free speech, differences of opinion, and open debate are sacred at Columbia. Those of you with Columbia educations who have encouraged editing or censorship on this blog should be ashamed of themselves. The discussion of the football program should not be relegated to one that neither deserves nor commands the dictates of a liberal education.
While we can show our enthusiasm and loyalty by welcoming the new coach and attending games, let us not engage in sycophancy towards a leadership that has yet to prove its worth.
In lumi Tuo videbimus lumen
Reader note: ALL my comments are for the future A.D. and search squad, if and whenever the need arises. I agree; let's not make it any worse for Mr. M. Go Lions!!!
Dr. V: A search is NOT "availability." It is identifying THE prospects your "blueprint" specifies, most of whom you would HOPE have NO interest in another job they are Soooo happy where they are. This is a professional recruiter's behavior whatever the business. You say, "hire ASAP?" Why? 5:01 AM: Everything is politics! 5:51: Maybe too offensive. 7:19: Check out recent NY TIMES article on UConn's ((BYU, Vermont) stellar use of the heart rate monitor for building endurance. 7:24: Amen. 7:28: You say his "resume shows success." But, then you ask "how does he work?" Believe me, a former "top 10 corporate executive recruiter," resumes are to savvy decision-makers as "'talk' is so 'last year'" to teens. 7:57 (A): A "candidate?" 7:57 (B): Evidence would suggest otherwise. 8:15: The sun has risen; it shines upon this blogs first bit of truth. 8:35: A MEN! The Process. You betcha. I can assure you CEOs pay small fortunes to be able to meet face-to-face with two or three (merely) prospects who aren't EAGER to make a move, but WILLING to be romanced and, if the deal is right for them, purchased. 8:40: It's not a matter of alumni KNOWING FOOTBALL, but rather the sophisticated specification-search-hiring PROCESS: My experience: customarily two months to complete. 8:52: Get rid of Bollinger; THAT's what we need. 8:59: b.s. 9:08: WHAT W A S the "process? Those amateurs, they'll never tell us. 9:46: Have they the valid "Why's" he's employed? 9:45: Trilling would have ADORED your sonnet. Hey, guy, even "Audobon (at 1:18 PM) loves it. 10:37: b.s. 10:51: OK, but WHO were the approved prospects who, face-to-face, were anointed CANDIDATES? 11:22: THAT'S what this whole schmear needs - less b.s., more EVIDENCE. 11:27: "Applied?" Seems you don't understand the arcane ways of the PROFESSIONAL (PAID biiiiiig UP FRONT WHETHER HE SUCCEEDS OR NOT!) executive recruiting. Dream on..... 11:41: Does anyone know WHY Pete LEFT each job? Why Cornell when he was so near the zenith? I'm not insinuating anything --- but the "committee" should have telephoned people the candidate couln't IMAGINE them calling. Dan Reeves was his pal, but, still, he should have been called. Was he? Who knows? 1:20: Wrong. Our account supervisor at BBDO, Princeton grad, HL, paid me five bucks when Columbia beat 'em (was it '68? '69? Jeeeez, I was there, too. 2:10: About time! 3:05: Stop crying in your Pablum! 3:39: YOU, too? 4:10 I come to PRAISE Caesar, NOT bury him.
for those last two comments, never a truer word has been spoken.
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