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And now it's time to impart a little friendly advice...
I still expect Columbia to hire its new head football coach sometime this week.
And I'm sure everyone here wants to get out there and support the new skipper as soon as possible and with as much enthusiasm as possible.
That's why it's up to AD Dianne Murphy and the search committee to bring us a coach who doesn't disqualify himself right off the bat.
Forget the "leadership" platitudes, I will again list the three most important things our new coach needs to have coming in to the job:
Remember, the three biggest things the new head coach at Columbia needs are:
1) Successful track record as a head coach
2) Experience coaching and recruiting in the Ivy League
3) Willingness and ability to promote New York City for recruiting and to increase fan interest
Giving us a coach who clearly fails to have any one or more of the above criteria is going to be a hard sell for a lot of the fans.
Candidates Pete Mangurian and Jim Hofher probably meet all the above qualifiers. They certainly do for #1, can be okay on #2 with a little refresher course, and can succeed at #3 if willing to get help.
By contrast, former K-State head coach Ron Prince looks like a strikeout. He has a bad record as a head coach, has little Ivy experience that's very dated anyway, and has no known affinity for or abilities to promote NYC either.
The fact that Prince is still being paid a massive severance from Kansas State leads me to believe Columbia can get him cheap and I can only hope that isn't what makes him an attractive candidate to the committee.

Tom Gilmore
The Gilmore Factor
The other potential mistake that could really unfairly hamstring a new coach is if his name is NOT Tom Gilmore and it turns out Gilmore is never even offered the Columbia job.
Gilmore is THE fan and football alum favorite, and most of them will understand if he were offered the job and for some reason turned it down.
But if it turns out the committee never seriously took a run at him, there will be a lot of anger coming from people who really support Columbia and cannot be called fair weather friends by any stretch.

Cornell, circa 1995, (I cannot confirm if the clock tower is also a finalist for the Columbia job)
All Cornell???
And the third thing that could trip up a new coach is if we learn that 3/4 of the finalists were all simply people Murphy remembers from her time at Cornell about 15 years ago.
It won't go down well if the results of a "nationwide search" yield three guys from Ithaca who haven't coached in the Ivies for a collective 35 years. Because not only would that preclude so many very qualified candidates, but it would wrongfully promote the falsehood that Columbia can't attract a lot of great applicants for this coaching job.
So again, here's the advice: avoid fumbling the issues above and the road for the new coach will be lot easier to navigate.
Jake--all of that rings hollow when you indicated yesterday you had insight on an offer being extended
Have to agree!
Yeah, this was my first thought as well.
perhaps Jake is making a last ditch cry to the AD so that she understands where the supporters are at?
history as a guide, it will go on deaf ears.
2) Experience coaching and recruiting in the Ivy League
I guess that disqualified Toal.
Great post Jake
Enough of us know people who are wired in. Just as several of us ultimately heard how the Priore, Gilmore, Norries fiasco played out last time we will eventually learn how this one shook out, too.
I like and respect Dianne very much and I will be very disturbed if it turns out that three of her Cornell cronies made the finals, even more disturbed if Gilmore didn't get that far.
Between your sources and our sources, they can't hide the truth for long anymore
Can we hire Donald Trump to assist in the decision process to see who will be named the next Columbia Football Coach! This is becoming a reality show here.
Maybe offer to put his name on the entrance area to the stadium calling it "Trump Plaza", as his fee.
I saw a note that Gilmore was a candidate for the Yale job, but withdrew his name (they hired Williams). There were rumors about him in the mix Princeton (they hired Surace). Did he feel that they not going to select him, was he playing coy, or was he waiting for the 'right' opportunity. Since he just signed a contract a year ago, I don't believe he will actively pursue the job and we will have to pursue him. The only way that happens if one of the big guys (BC or RK) want it to happen. Time will tell.
... I agree with 11:36, I will be highly disappointed if Gilmore is not 1 of the 4, and 3 of the 4 are Cornell people.
Mangurian would be a great hire; do your homework on him. One Ivy championship and three good seasons. He left to become an NFL asistant and supposedly because he and his family didn't want to stay in Ithaca. He was well regarded and was a Pats assistant (Kraft connection?) before going to TB, where Naheem Morris fired him last winter. As far as his firing by TB, Morris has been a disappointment and never should have fired Mangurian. Mangurian was a starting lineman at LSU and his personable, very impressive, smart, and looking for stability. And this might sound strange, but his Armenian background could be a huge networking and recruiting advantage.
Mangurian won an Ivy championship??
Do your homework--A walk on at LSU who many of his contemporaries don't remember as a player. Sold himself to Bill Arnsparger then HC at LSU as an unpaid assistant. Tampa's coach is Raheem-not Naheem. Do we need a Cornell re-tread who is just waiting for the next NFL job to come along closer to his home in Atlanta, which has been maintained since his tenure with the Falcons--three coaching regimes ago?
@12:26--The Armenian connection? Wow. WIth all due respect to the CU Armenian community, if that is the tipping point for Diane's decision we are in trouble! She could hire the Kardashian sisters. They seem to attract athletes to thier "program".
There is a huge Armenian community in the tri-state area which would flock to Baker Field to support one of their own. Plus there are some incredible athletes in the Armenian community.
no offense to the tri-state area, but since when was that the hot bed of football recruiting? i can see basketball as those blood lines run deep, but football? i played in the tri-state area in the midwest and the levels of talent arent even close.
the fact remains that we, the supporters, are going to get duped again. incompetence breeds more incompetence. as the master once said, do or do not, there is no try.
Columbia recruits nationally. Check the roster. Toal can have the tri state cadre of players not good enough to play FBS and not smart enough to get into Columbia. We would be happy to get attention from the one good Armenian FB player who is available each decade if our coach is Armenian. Jake, I respect that you are keeping tight lipped about what you know but you did come out and say that an offer was made to a coach you were happy with. Can you tell us if Gilmore is in the mix or not?
Well, I hope it's Gilmore, but both Mangurian and Hofher are very strong candidates, in my opinion, and well-qualified to lead us to an Ivy Championship. I don't care about the Cornell thing at all. Ithaca is a dull place, and if Mangurian and Hofher wanted out, I can understand why.
i judged from Jake's earlier response that this was his last plea to the powers that be to get them to rethink their decision process.
is margraff even in the mix? he name was thrown around also.
Jake, did you misjudge what the mob thought would be a good hire when you stated you were pleased about whom the offer was made to?
To the gentleman from the last post, who asked that he could be considered for the position because he was the janitor at Schoelkopf Field in 1996 (before I went back to prison for violating my parole), but who is out now and since Diane is interviewing just about EVERYBODY who worked at Cornell football in the 90's..., I would just like to say that your post was (is) one of the funniest posts ever on this blog! Thank you for adding levity to this DIRE situation!
Also, to the alum who filled out his donation form for athletics/ football, but has NOT sent anything in. Thank you as well! The ONLY thing that Diane, the Puppet Committee, and the rest of the administration will understand, is that when these donations dry up, they will be held accountable. people will begin to ask "why"??? The answer is very simple... incompitence at the AD level, incompitence with these puppet Search/Football Committees, and incompitence with the Athletic Administration as a whole.
in the interm, I have witheld my conttributions as well! If they do the right thing and offer Gilmore, then I will double my contribution.
The first three posts here reek of Diane's minions trying to discredit Jake.
Their problem is that Jake has no agenda, except seeing a winning football team on the field and only wishes good things for the kids.
Grow up minions...
I understand that Mangurian had an excellent set of interviews. I simply do not understand the anti-Mangurian bias. He was a success at Cornell and left for the NFL. He is not looking to coach Columbia because he needs a place to hang his hat until another NFL gig opens up. Is there one person on this blog who knows Mangurian or who has first hand knowledge of his background, football IQ, coaching and motivational skills, ability to charm recruits and their parents, who can genuinely say that he would not be a grand slam home run? I can say the same thing about Gilmore, who seems to be the flavor of the month on this board. We have a lot of people whose reputations are now at stake, who have put their money where their mouths are, who want to get it right this time. So if it is Mangurian or Gilmore, I would be very pleased. My concern is that an offer has been hanging out there for several days and has not been accepted. Six years ago, we went down to our third choice. Let's get our #1 candidate this time! And PS, remeber the last great Armenian HC, a man named Parseghian!
How can so many alums be wrong? Answer: We are NOT! Gilmore is the answer, short and sweet. if they get one of these Cornellians, I would hope that we alums act accordinly and HALT all contributions to these misfits!
The second round of recruits are coming in... SECOND ROUND! What in the world do we say to these kids without a Head Coach? Maybe Diane's bubbly personality will sell them on Columbia? Just like she was won all of over us. Get somebody (from Worcester) here NOW!!!
Mangurian - unemployed, ex NFL coach, NO (I repeat, NO), high school coaching connections for recruiting. Please see how that Princeton experiment is going now with an ex-NFL coach. It's taken him two years just to get off the ground and they mabe be worse off than us.
Gilmore - Head Coach, active college recruiter, deals with the highest academic standards of the Patriot League, and coached several years in the Ivies has NOT even been approached by the administration (1st hand knowledge). Diane, Ray, Puppett Committee, please get off your derriers and call him.
Not sure what the issue is here? There are very knowledgeable people on this blog (as well as zealots, like myself, I admit it), but Gilmore is the guy.
Diane, if you want an uprising, keep going down the Cornell path! If you decide on Mangurian, Hofher, or Prince, I hope that you will look back at this decision and understand why YOU got fired! Please keep in mind, you were forewarned!
so money trumps brains every time.
Certainly the "Armenian connection" is the funniest theme yet on this blog. "Hey, dad, let's go to the Columbia game because the coach is Armenian...and we're Armenian too!" The invocation of Parseghian is also great!
Other great Armenian players: Ben Agajanian, NY Giants placekicker around the time of the Civil War; Garo Yepremian, also a placekicker;
and btw: chess champion Garry Kasparov is half-Aremnian and half-Jewish. Hey, that might be an even bigger draw!
Mitch Sisskind '68
when were the recruits that visited last week and this coming weekend selected and invited? will the new staff begin with this list of recruits, or start fresh with a tight schedule? have any offers been made? have any committs been recieved?
Mangurian is not "a Cornellian". He played at LSU. He wa an assistant at several programs before a highly successful but rather short stint as HC at Cornell. He has been a successful NFL assistant. I am concerned that there is a knee jerk reaction that anybody who dianne hires whose name is not Gilmore will be terrorized on this board. PS, I hope that Toal does not get the Fordham gig.
Gilmore is the flavor of the month?
Gilmore has been the consensus favorite of the board since before the season ended.
And from what I was told, six years ago Dianne went to the third choice and bypassed #2...
They just don't get it
You are right, if they screw this up and hire one of Dianne's old friends from Cornell there will be a major backlash and they will lose support, money, interest, donations....
Too many of us are tired of the amateurish way this program has been run. I am in about year 30.
Can't we do something the right way for once?
Is Bollinger hiring "The Mangurian Candidate" to sabotage football
at Columbia?
Is Bollinger hiring "The Mangurian Candidate" to sabotage Columbia football?
Is Bollinger hiring "The Mangurian Candidate" to sabotage Columbia football?
To ALL the Anonymous posters that are threatning to hold off on contributions, that will no longer buy tickets, that will pretty much give up on Columbia football... please re-consider, you will really be hurting these great young men that are so hungry for football and want to show you how they will turn their loosing record into a winning one. Please consider sending these posts to D. Murphy or Cambpell.Make them aware of how angry you are and what you expect.Why post it here if they are not going to read it. let them know how much you want Gilmore. Don't you think after speaking your mind, they will get the message?
Why would Murphy not contact Gilmore? It doesn't make any sense.
Hi, I am very frustrated with CU football and have almost given up- this past year was one of the only years since 1971 that I did not attend a game. On paper, I also agree that Tom Gilmore sounds like the best candidate. However, are we really sure that he wants to uproot his young family and leave a secure position to come to Columbia. i do not the Ad and I agreeif 3 out 4 finalists have A cornell connection, that hardly looks like a national search. But I also think poeple on thes eposts need to calm down a bit and give the new coach a chance. If they were to name Mangurian, i think on paper he is far more impressive than any of the recent hires for coach and has won an IVY titke as a head coach.
Sorry, but I honestly have the feeling that neither Jake nor most posters have any real idea of what they're talking about. (And former Daily News columnist Dick Young's old, somewhat contempuous and certainly despairing phrase, "the boo birds," comes right to mind.)
Dr. Murphy has hired outstanding coaches for several sports. Most prominently, however, for men's basketball. And to the yobbos who on the previous thread complained that it was a grievous error to hire a "West Coast guy" (who went to college at Hamilton, as it turns out) because he perforce wouldn't then "understand" this area, well, let us start with Kyle Smith's recruitment of Millburn's Alex Rosenberg, who has already made Ivy rookie of the week and has become a starter. (I was a bit confused when he started at guard last night, but his rebounding snd shot-making worth is apparent whatever slot he fills.)
Why don't we all just refrain from complaining about who may and who may not be hired as the football coach until he's actually hired? Maybe even give him at least one season before we write him off altogether?
(And could we also watch our grammar and spelling? This is a Columbia blog, after all.)
Every one makes good points but we have to be practical and let the search play out. I think the one guy from Cornell may be fine, and is clearly a step up from the prior regime. The reality is that the risk with this job and the history which predates Murphy makes it unlikely that we would attract a superstar young coach no matter how much we are willing to pay. A quality guy who has a track record and has been around the block may be a good catch
Diane not contacting Gilmore is simply hubris! But like the previous poster said, this will be her demise. In fact, to echo another poster, her handling of this hiring is bush league and amateurish! I am an alum and I am embarrassed that this is STILL going on! Again, she is a JOKE!
First you doubted Jake knew what he was talking about when he said the Norries was going to get fired.
Then it happpened.
Then you doubted whether he knew what he was talking about when he said Greg Toal was interested in the job.
That fact has been confirmed many times since.
Now you doubt he knows who the candidates are.
Look, you have every right to disagree with Jake's opinions, but his access to the facts really can't be denied anymore.
Gilmore has been the consensus favorite since Jake splashed him name and followed up with testimonials to his greatness. And in case that was too subtle, today he is posting a threat if Gilmore's not offered the job. Gimme a break!
Bottom line we should suppport the new hire whomever it is, but clearly it is on the Ad's watch!
I have news for you: very influential people in Columbia football have dreamed of Gilmore becoming our HC since 1987! I think that's before Jake became a CU student and saw his first live Lions game! Probably 20 years before he started this blog! Jake could never "make" Gilmore a favorite, that was determined a long time ago.
Some people have been dreaming that Gilmore would become our HC after Gilmore spent one season as a grad assistant at Penn in '86? Really? I was unaware...
Trust me, Dianne has her people reading this blog, they know what is being said, and they are scared to death of Jake.
Cathar, you must work for Dianne.
And Mangurian never won a title.
Gilmore was a full assistant coach at CU from 1987-89. He made an immediate impact on those players that has lasted a lifetime.
Very influential alums... That's funny!!! Are you kidding me? Who are they? The Hot Dog Committee? they are soooo influential that we have been screwed for eight years (giving Ray a pass)... Glad you think highly of these influential alums who produce nothing...
Would ya believe very rich alums?
I would believe alums who think they are important, but have no influence.
Gilmore would be great but let's wait and see who the new coach is before every one goes crazy. We need to get behind the new coach and at least give him one season. I agree it makes no sense that Murphy would not contact Gilmore but at the end of day if she wants to be successful and remain in her position she has to turn around this program, something she promised to do and has failed to do.
Dear Cathar,
Complaining about others' spelling.
The word is spelled contemptuous!!!
You are a real loser!
Columbia blog and all!
I think every one needs to be patient. I am a long time supporter and alum. There are two many different opionions and they will not go way overnight. Best thing for the program would be for Ray to be an acting head coach until we can all work this out. It is going to take some time to rebuild so no point in rushing this search. When you llok for a university president, it takes a year so not ure about all the rush. Ray was great and would be fine the second time around. Does any one remember 96? point is ray would be the one person who could get us all to support the program.
Jake, the NYT article by Andrew Keh is online now and, as you probably know, you are quoted in it.
Like the idea of ray coming back for a year or so, but not sure it si the right thing to do. I still would rather have Gilmore.
Times article was good, love all the posts- every one cares and that is what is so great. We all have the same goals and we all want to beby the lion next fall. Best of luck to the next coach- hopefully we will know soon. Jake said yesterday it would be a great hire so i am excited.
Some of you are not very complete in your posts. One said that
very influrntial people in CU football have dreamed of Gilmore as coach since 1987.That's 24 yhears ago when he was an asst coach at Columbia. Then why hasn't he ever been hired as our head coach in 24 years? All I ever knew about Gilmore is that when he was a CU asst way back then,--this is from reports at the time--he confronted some cafeteria server at a team meal--might haver been gay, I recall that inference--who was horsing around with another server and not payiong attention to his work, and a question of sanitary food handling arose.
The next season, or maybe the same season, Gilmore was gone. At the modern Columia I guess you can't challenge anyone who's gay even
if he's coughing in your food.
I don't know if that's why no one hired Gilmore while we were hiring a series of the world's worsdt coaches. Whatever, maybe they could get aound to it right now, since they already knew he was so wonderful a quarter-century ago.
Gilmore while we were hgiring a series of the world's worst coaches. It fugures though; why else
has anyone ever thought that Toal and/or Gilmore have been using their acolytes to drum up interest in the hopes of improving their negotiating power elsewhere?
It's been known to happen in this business. See June Jones... Les Miles... etc.
Disagree with your requirement for a HC coach to have recruited before in the Ivy League. He can bring in assistants with that experience. Penn's Bagnoli certainly had none.
Way too many hysterical harpies on this blog. Ms. Murphy has done an excellent job in many sports including basketball and baseball. Football is obviously the toughest nut to crack at CU but I firmly believe that success is forthcoming.
Let's get behind the new coach whoever it is...if it's not Gilmore I'm sure there are good reasons for that which none of us are aware of.
Let's be Loyal Lions to the max, otherwise we will only contribute to our own failure.
Way too many hysterical harpies on this blog. Ms. Murphy has done an excellent job in many sports including basketball and baseball. Football is obviously the toughest nut to crack at CU but I firmly believe that success is forthcoming.
Let's get behind the new coach whoever it is...if it's not Gilmore I'm sure there are good reasons for that which none of us are aware of.
Let's be Loyal Lions to the max, otherwise we will only contribute to our own failure.
As a recent football grad who played 4 years under Coach Wilson, everyone on here seriously needs to cool down with their 2 cents and support these players. We all get it, we haven't won in a long time and Coach Wilson (and specifically his staff) wasn't the answer like many before him. But seriously whoever the coach is shouldn't matter. Support whoever is hired and support these players, not just with money and donations but with words and actions. Honestly, we the players could care less about what yall say and think on here. We just go out and play and compete to win
Mangurian named head coach
There has been a new coaches named
Welcome Pete Mangurian
The concern continues to be Dianne hiring someone she knows she can control vs hiring the best candidate for the job
Gilmore should have been courted in November and ready to be named coach the day Norries was let go.
Instead we go to the old crony network and hire an unemployed friend who's next first place team will be his first.
Go Lions!
re: the old crony network...
isn't that the way the world works, in all walks of life? If it weren't for that old crony network, how many people posting would have had their first job(s)?
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