Words of Encouragement
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Takin' to the Streets!
I'm going to be totally POSITIVE on the blog today.
I think we all deserve it.
So I am urging all my readers to send emails to President Lee Bollinger and Athletic Director Dianne Murphy as they go about replacing Norries Wilson as head coach.
This might seem like an easy decision to most of us, and maybe some of us think it will be easy to actually carry out.
But it won't be.
Bollinger, Murphy, Bill Campbell and the University as a whole could be in for an avalanche of criticism and unwarranted attacks for relieving Wilson at this time.
Politics will be brought into this, among other issues that have nothing to do with football.
We have to let the powers that be know that we demanded this decision and we support them for putting it into place.
You can email President Bollinger at: officeofthepresident@columbia.edu
You Can email Dr. Murphy at: mdm2111@columbia.edu
Let them know you know how hard this choice is and how they will have your support.
Let them know you will NOT be silent when the newsmedia or anyone else comes at them with crazy accusations of unfairness to Coach Wilson or anyone else.
Let them know that this dismissal is beyond warranted and no one has a right to criticize it on any sane level.
This blog and its readers aren't just about criticizing and wishing for better things.
We're also all about supporting good decisions at least twice as loudly as we bemoan the bad ones.
Let's prove that TODAY.
Not Just a Snow Job
I also want to say something VERY nice about the people who run things at Wien Stadium.
Now, we've all heard the comments about whether the players had the right gear... that's another issue.
I want to point out the hard work and excellent ADVANCED PLANNING that went into making Kraft Field even somewhat playable Saturday.
I watched as not one, but two snowplows and several people with shovels worked feverishly to clear as much of the field as possible before the game, at halfime, in between quarters and during timeouts.
The pickup truck snowplow drove faster in reverse than I've ever seen a plow go just to set up each new run.
These people were working really hard... and smart. I was really impressed.
I really wish I knew the names of the people who were smart enough to make sure those plows got there and then the names of the people who drove and shoveled that muck away. If anyone in the administration isn't afraid to email me, please let me know their names so I can give the proper kudos.
But I DO know that as AD, Dianne Murphy deserves a lot of credit for at least assembling the right stadium staff to handle this.
I know that Erich Ely is the Associate Athletics Director for Facilities Operations. Steve Figueroa, Scott Butch, and Maggie Johnson are listed as part of that staff.
And I know that Alex Oberweger is the guy who makes sure the broadcasters could at least try to get video and audio on the air.
I've been a TV producer for 17 years, and I can tell you getting clean shots on the air even on good days can be impossible. The fact that anyone not at Wien Stadium was able to follow any of the game is a testament to all the people at YES and Columbia who busted their butts to get it done.