Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Thanks

I just wanted to make a quick list of what I am thankful for today:

1) First and foremost a great wife and two beautiful daughters, with whom I was able to enjoy a few Lions games this year, including Homecomin here my eldest daughter Jordan was the honorary ball kid of the game.

2) All the young men who make the committment to play football at Columbia. For me, it was hard enough just to be a student at CU. I can't really imagine how hard it would have been to juggle the kind of schedule they maintain.

3) I'm thankful for the players' families, especially the parents who week in and week out come out to the games. Some of them travel quite a distance and it's more than impressive.

4) And I am very thankful for all my readers. Earlier today, we crossed the 300,000 hits mark, (been counting since October, 2006), and readership has never been higher. Thanks for your interest and the many kind wishes and encouragement you've passed along over the years.

Now, let's EAT!!!


At Fri Nov 27, 02:08:00 AM GMT+7, Blogger dabull said...

One thing I'm definitely thankful for Jake is your time,effort and enthusiasm you devote to keeping everyone talking and thinking about CU football. Happy Thanksgiving day to you and yours.

At Fri Nov 27, 06:22:00 AM GMT+7, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Jake! Keep up the good work.

At Fri Nov 27, 07:50:00 AM GMT+7, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're our dessert, Jake, every day.

At Fri Nov 27, 08:54:00 AM GMT+7, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jake. Keep up the great work.


At Fri Nov 27, 10:38:00 PM GMT+7, Anonymous Alex's Dad said...

Great work all year Jake. Keep us informed about recruiting. Your comment about the parents (I am one) was right on. Each year the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of the parents group has grown. It was fun coming to the games even when my son was out with injury. And of course even more fun when winning.

At Sat Nov 28, 02:58:00 AM GMT+7, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Jake for giving us a place to convene between games and during the off season. Your commitment to CU football is extraordinary and I am very, very grateful.

At Sat Nov 28, 09:15:00 AM GMT+7, Blogger DOC said...

There was a time when, it seemed, that nobody cared about Columbia Football. This is a program steeped in grand tradition. Thanks, Jake, for reminding us everyday what was, what is, and most
importantly, what can be.


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